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May 2024 Historic Hunter Hills Neighborhood Association Meeting


Historic Hunter Hills Neighborhood Association

 General Meeting Minutes - May 13, 2024

Meeting called to order at 6:05 PM


Maya T. provided the usual reminders regarding snacks and placing phones on vibrate. 

She then gave an overview of the meeting’s agenda. And reminded neighbors of membership dues.

1. Executive Board Reports

Treasurer’s Report and Updates

Lisa P. reported that the current account balance is $21,484.52. During that time the total income was $80.71.  The total expenses for the month were $40.00.

2. Committee Reports

Courtesy Committee

Deborah W. reported that 4 individuals and sympathy cards were sent out to two families. 

Beautification Committee

Maya T reported on the monthly cleanup taking place on Saturday, May 18th starting on MLK Jr. Dr..

3. Special Projects Committee

Hunter Hills Grant Report

Maya T reported on grants recently won by the HHHNA, including $100k from the Partnership for Southern Equity/Just Communities grant.  She also highlighted the $9k Community Impact Grant, which will be used for signage in the neighborhood at for Hunter Hills Movie Night.

She further highlighted projects which could benefit from the Partnership for Southern Equity grant including beatification projects on MLK, Burbank and Bernard.

4.  Presentations 

5 Mile Project

Timothy B reported on the 5 Mile Project petition, which is an initiative to end noise pollution by getting as many members of the Westside community to sign a petition to install noise barriers along I-20 on the West similar to the barriers already present on the East side of I-20.

Design Bloc

Timothy B. updated the HHHNA on the status of the Design Bloc project, noting that we are in the final stages of the project with interviews concluding and the project entering the design phase for sharing the stories.  Char J. provided further details on the status of the project. 

Traffic Box Update

Timothy B reported on the traffic boxes are almost complete with one remaining on Mayson Turner.

APD Zone 1

E. Anderson reported crime is down 20% for the month and 50% for the year.  She also reported that there were 3 auto thefts, that the situation is being monitored on Eason Ave., that there have been charges in the murder a couple of months back on Troy Ave.

ATL City Council: Byron Amos

Janae B. reported on the going on at the city council, including that there are currently budget meetings.  Timothy B. asked Councilman Amos about waking down the Boone corridor to issue citations.  Timothy B. also asked about if there were any ramifications for businesses opening at all hours and Councilman Amos noted the there was no legal recourse.

Traci S. asked about the MARTA infill station that was announced for Mayson Turner Dr.  Councilman Amos let the HHHNA know that it was a new proposal and not concrete.  He concluded that the Walmart should open on approximately May 22 and by noting a dearth of code enforcement officers and how difficult it is to get code enforcement in the City of Atlanta.

GA State Representative: Meesha Manor

No update.

Fulton Co. Commissioner: Khadijah Abdur-Rahman

No update.

Lucky Shop CBA

Maya T checked on the status of the Lucky Shop.

5.  Upcoming Events

Maya T updated the HHHNA on the food pantry every at Historic Hunter Hills First Methodist Baptist Church, this month’s NPU-K meeting on May 21st and the neighborhood beautification on May 18.

Open Discussion

There was a discussion of zoning on 285 Burbank, which recently passed.

Motion to adjourn was made by Maya T. The motion was seconded by Beth S. The meeting ended unopposed at 07:03 PM

In attendance:

Timothy Brown

Maya Teague

Lisa Parker

Adam Reid

Char Johnson

E. Anderson

Gail Harper

Janae Broadnax

Michael Cooper

Traci Sims

Brandon & Judy Smith

Nathan Marsh

Christian Hicks

Beth and Husani Smartt

Robert Williams

Bobbie Jones

Charmaine Daniels 

Tillman Ward

Nila Cantey

Kathy Green Wingfield

Eric Davis

Latasha Adebisi

Shaun Lain

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